Cupboard Crafts & Experiments: Rainbow Rubber Eggs


  • Uncooked eggs
  • Clear drinking glass or plastic cup
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Food Coloring
  • Spoon
  • Bowl of water
  • Tray to hold your experiment (optional)


  1. Carefully place an uncooked egg in a clear glass or plastic cup.
  2. Pour enough vinegar into the cup to completely cover the egg.
  3. Add some generous drops of food coloring and stir gently. If you want a rainbow of colors, prepare a few more cups.
  4. Now it’s time to WAIT! Observe your eggs each day. The vinegar will slowly dissolve the eggshell over 2-3 days. You’ll see the liquid bubbling as this happens.
  5. After 3-5 days, remove the eggs from the vinegar, and place them in a bowl of water. Gently rub away any remaining bubbly shell residue to reveal the membrane that lies just below it.
  6. You can gently bounce your eggs! The eggs will be rubbery and bouncy but they are still raw on the inside. Bounce and press it to test just how rubbery it is … and beware, it may break! If it does, you can see what it looks like inside.

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